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Buckeye Elementary PTO


Buckeye Elementary PTO is happy to announce that we have our very own website!  Check it out at and to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. 

Buckeye Elementary PTO meetings for the 2024-25 school year are listed below! 

All meetings will be held at 6:30 pm in the Elementary School Library (Media Center). 

Thursday, September 5

Thursday, October 24

Thursday, January 16

Thursday, April 10





Buckeye Elementary PTO is happy to announce that we have our very own website!  Check it out at and to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. 

Buckeye Elementary PTO Meeting Dates for 2024-25 are listed below! 

All Meetings are at 6:30 pm in the Elementary School's Library (Media Center) 

Thursday, September 5

Thursday, October 24

Thursday, January 16

Thursday, April 10



PTO By-Laws

Check Request Form

PTO Mini-Grant Application 

Buckeye Elementary PTO is happy to announce that we have our very own website!  Check it out at and to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. 

Welcome back to our returning Buckeye Elementary PTO executive board members: Nicole Baugh, Antonia Gillum, and Joni Zaverl! Welcome aboard to our two new PTO board members: Ashley Ison and Jess Kus.

The Buckeye Elementary PTO Executive Board Members for the 2024-25 school year are listed below: 

Co-chair: Nicole Baugh 

Co-chair: Antonia Gillum

Co-chair: Ashley Ison

Treasurer: Joni Zaverl

Secretary: Jess Kus 

For general questions, please email us at

For financial questions, please email us at

Please visit us on Facebook  

The purpose of the PTO is to support and enhance the education of the children in the Buckeye Elementary Schools by fostering a spirit of cooperation, communication and positive interaction between families and staff of the schools. The group sponsors or supports a variety of volunteer, fundraising and social events throughout the year.