Buckeye Elementary PTO
Buckeye Elementary PTO is happy to announce that we have our very own website! Check it out at www.tinyurl.com/BuckeyePTO and to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Buckeye Elementary PTO meetings for the 2024-25 school year are listed below!
All meetings will be held at 6:30 pm in the Elementary School Library (Media Center).
Thursday, September 5
Thursday, October 24
Thursday, January 16
Thursday, April 10
Buckeye Elementary PTO is happy to announce that we have our very own website! Check it out at www.tinyurl.com/BuckeyePTO and to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Buckeye Elementary PTO Meeting Dates for 2024-25 are listed below!
All Meetings are at 6:30 pm in the Elementary School's Library (Media Center)
Thursday, September 5
Thursday, October 24
Thursday, January 16
Thursday, April 10
Buckeye Elementary PTO is happy to announce that we have our very own website! Check it out at www.tinyurl.com/BuckeyePTO and to follow us on Facebook and Instagram.
Welcome back to our returning Buckeye Elementary PTO executive board members: Nicole Baugh, Antonia Gillum, and Joni Zaverl! Welcome aboard to our two new PTO board members: Ashley Ison and Jess Kus.
The Buckeye Elementary PTO Executive Board Members for the 2024-25 school year are listed below:
Co-chair: Nicole Baugh
Co-chair: Antonia Gillum
Co-chair: Ashley Ison
Treasurer: Joni Zaverl
Secretary: Jess Kus
For general questions, please email us at pto@buckeyepto.com.
For financial questions, please email us at Treasurer@buckeyepto.com.
Please visit us on Facebook